We are planning a "Move-Up Sunday" for the Winter spin on 22nd March.

For this spin,

  • whites should try a 'soft' yellow group
  • yellows shoud try a 'fast' yellow group
  • strong yellows can try an 'easy' orange group

On the day,

  • A reasonably flat route will be selected (with a coffee stop that can handle numbers)
  • Yellow, Orange or Red groups would have no more than 4 move-up riders join 8 experienced riders who normally cycle at that level
  • We would like to have 2 Group Leaders for all move-up groups, including orange and red for this event
  • Sunday spins operate as normal but the dispatcher on this date ensures that step up riders are assigned to groups with agreed leaders

Over the coming weeks,

  • leaders should actively watch for and speak to individuals who they think should consider moving up a level
  • riders might identify a like minded individual and agree to "move-up" together
  • anyone planning to move up on Move-Up Sunday should notify their intended move e.g. yellow to orange, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This will help us plan groups for the day)

Additional group leaders will be required at all levels, if you can help here can you notify This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


This Move-Up day aims to to encourage individuals to move up to groups cycling at their correct average speed.

It may introduce people to other members with similar interests/ability - facilitating self organised rides over the Summer.

It will continue the development of individuals in terms of their cycling skills

It supports our club aims of ensuring everyone enjoys their cycling experience, reaches their potential and is safe on the roads.

Going forward, we would hope to run Move-Up days several times a year.